
Monday, June 27, 2011

CIO Managing the Information Technology Resource

Definisi CIO
•Kelola SD info sbg aset vital perusahaan
•Bawa system dlm persaingan pasar yg kompetitif
•Kelola & koordinir peningkatan SD info yg tsebar(decentralized)
•Kelola end-user computer shg dpt layani kbutuhan perusahaan
•Jd katalis bg perubahan org.

Evolusi CIO
• 1980s dan mengalami perubahan dari waktu ke waktu
•Dilihat sebagai strategist, bukan manager
•Leadership adalah kunci
•Pengaruh CIO pada kekuatan penentu keefektifan CIO
Peran CIO di Era Terdistribusi
–Organizational Designer, –Strategic Partner, –Technology Architect, –Informed Buyer

Sudut Pandang CIO saat ini
•Highly mobile –high turnover •Must deliver effectively and rapidly •Well-rounded •Technically astute •People-oriented •Business skills

Perhatian dari CIOs
•94% Enhancing customer satisfaction •92% Security •89% Technology evaluation •87% Budgeting •83% Staffing •66% ROI analysis •64% Building new equipment •45% Outsourcing hosting

Bagaimana CIO mempengaruhi IT
•Fokus pada bisnis diperlukan ketika menghubungkannya ke organisasi IT •Educator thdp eksekutif bisnis •Menunjukan pentingnya IT •Berkomunikasi dgn sukses dan memberi nilai IT •Mengerti dengan baik visi bisnis

Atribut CIO
–Analyst background and orientation –Promote IT as agent of business transformation –Contributes beyond IT function –Accurate perception of CEO views on business and IT –Integrates IT with business planning –Profile stresses consultative leadership and creativity


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